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jQuery Quickpost

This jQuery widget provides you with the functionality of adding profile(s) to your post using special keys like '@'. Once added, these profile(s) would be highlighted in the text area until you post the content. Once the content is posted the added profile(s) are clickable taking them to the profile page. This widget acts bit similar to Facebook's - What's on your mind? or Google +'s - Share what's new... widgets.

This Widget has dependencies on jQuery-1.6+, jQuery UI Widget Factory 1.8+ and is an extension of Paginated Dropdown Widget.

Enter text in the below input area. Use '@' followed by an alphabet to trigger suggestions.
# Use the below properties to change configuration of Quickpost widget applied to input area.

Properties Values
url*: Default: null (Current value returns json object with id, name and email property)
itemTemplate*: Default: null
valueProperty*: Default: null (one of the properties in the returned json object.)
triggerOn: Default: @
identifierProperty: Default: id (one of the properties in the returned json object to uniquely define the object.)
autoHeight: Default: true
increaseHeightAfter: Default: 75 (characters)
deltaHeight: Default: 20 (pixels)
itemsPerPage: Default: 10
dropdownWidth: Enter numeric value. Default: null
closeBtnRequired: Default: true
footerRequired: Default: true
keyNavigation.up-down: Default: true Default: true
customEventPrefix: Default: 'quickpost'
filterJSON: Default: null

Browser Support

IE7+, FF 3.6+, Opera 12+, Safari 5+ and Chrome.

Known Issues

If you are using filterJSON plugin. Then for this widget to work in IE7 and below, you will have to include JSON2.

You can use:


Copyright (c) 2012 Kapil Kashyap. Dual licensed under MIT License and GPL License.