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jQuery Paginated Dropdown

This widget takes a JSON response from the server and converts it into a paginated drop down. It has features like pagination (pretty obvious), custom templates, JSON filtering, keyboard navigations, value property selection, state persistence (statefulness) and more.

This Widget has dependencies on jQuery-1.6+, jQuery UI Widget Factory 1.8+ and partially on jQuery filterJSON plugin (also developed by me).

The filterJSON plugin is a utility which allows you to filter a JSON response based on property alone. Using filterJSON would be really helpful in scenarios where we are simply returning a static JSON response always and are not doing any server-side filtering of the objects. You can explore filterJSON over here. However, using filterJSON plugin is not mandatory and can be completely ignored.

Enter text in the below input box to trigger suggestions.
# Use below table to change configuration of Paginated Dropdown widget applied to input box.

Properties Values
url*: Default: null (Current value returns json object with id, name and email property)
itemTemplate*: Default: null
valueProperty*: Default: null (one of the properties in the returned json object.)
itemsPerPage: Default: 10
dropdownWidth: Enter numeric value. Default: null
persistState: Default: false
closeBtnRequired: Default: true
footerRequired: Default: true
keyNavigation.up-down: Default: true Default: true
customEventPrefix: Default: 'paginateddropdown'
filterJSON: Default: null
cache: Default: false

Browser Support

IE7+, FF 3.6+, Opera 12+, Safari 5+ and Chrome.

Known Issues

If you are using filterJSON plugin. Then for this widget to work in IE7 and below, you will have to include JSON2.

You can use:


Copyright (c) 2012 Kapil Kashyap. Dual licensed under MIT License and GPL License.