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A jQuery utility that allows you to filter a JSON based on properties.

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jQuery Filter JSON

This jQuery plugin is a utility that allows you to filter a JSON based on properties. You can also have a property/value match and only those property values that match the passed in value will be returned.

However, you can filter the JSON based on various parameters such as startWith or checkContains, matchCase and can either choose to return the matched values or the parent object of the matched values. You even have the option of avoiding duplicates if any.

Plugin Usage

$.fn.filterJSON({ json object }, {
	property: ["prop1", "prop2", ... n], // mandatory
	wrapper: true,
	value: "user one",
	checkContains: false,
	startsWith: true,
	matchCase: false,
	avoidDuplicates: true,
	sort: true,
	sortOrder: 'desc'

Plugin Properties Explained

Before digging into each property of the plugin lets describe our sample JSON.

        "id": 12345,
        "name": "User One",
        "email": ""
        "id": 23456,
        "name": "User Two",
        "email": ""
        "id": 34567,
        "name": "User Three",
        "email": ""

Property Type Default Description
property * array null This options takes a property or an array of properties that you need to filter the JSON with. For the above sample JSON we have three properties, namely: id, name and email. So you can set this value as ["name"] or ["name", "email"]
wrapper boolean false If set to true, will return an array of objects whose property has matched, otherwise will return an array of value itself. For instance if we are filtering the above sample JSON with 'name' and wrapper is set to true, then an array of all the objects which have the 'name' property will be returned. If the wrapper is set to false, then an array of only the values of the property will be returned. For the above sample JSON ["User One", "User Two", "User Three"] would be returned.
value string/array [V1...Vn] An optional value passed in as a string (for a single value match) or as an array to check the matched property value against multiple values.
checkContains boolean false Setting this option to true will check if the matched property's value contains the passed in value. However, passing a value becomes mandatory for this to work. This option will be considered only if it is true and startsWith is not set to true.
startsWith boolean false Setting this option to true will check if the matched property's value starts with the passed in value. However, passing a value becomes mandatory for this to work. This options takes precedence over checkContains if it is set to true.
matchCase boolean false If set to true will perform case-sensitive search of values.
avoidDuplicates boolean false If set to true will avoid duplicate objects.
sort boolean false If set to true will return sorted values.
sortOrder string 'asc' If sorting is set to true then the default sort order is ascending described by 'asc' value. If you want your sort order to be descending change this value to 'desc' or for the matter of fact anything else other than 'asc'.
sortProperty string null The key to be used to sort the objects if sorting is set to true. If not provided then the required property 'property' would be used. In case multiple properties are provided use the first one.
comparator function function A comparator function used for sorting. This is completely optional but can be provided by the user.

Use: Sample1
Avoid Duplicates
Return Parent Object:
Property Value:
Matching Criteria: Starts With Check Contains Match Case
Sort Settings:
Sort Order:
Sort Property:
Sort Comparator:
Filtered JSON:

Known Issues

For this plugin to work in IE7 and below, you will have to include JSON2.

You can use:


Copyright (c) 2012 Kapil Kashyap. Dual licensed under MIT License and GPL License.